Actress and singer Selena Gomez has had to cancel her upcoming concert dates in Asia and Australia. She has released the following statement: “My fans are so important to me and I would never want to disappoint them. But it has become clear to me and those close to me that after many years of […]
Category: Events
Halftime performer for Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving game
Forget binging on turkey and the trimmings. Instead, Selena Gomez will celebrate Thanksgiving with a live performance at an American football game in her native Texas. Selena will perform at halftime of the nationally televised game between the Oakland Raiders and Dallas Cowboys. Her performance will launch the The Salvation Army’s 123rd Red Kettle Campaign […]
Selena Gomez Previews ‘Stars Dance’ Album Through Twitter Campaign
Selena Gomez’s debut solo album “Stars Dance” isn’t slated for release until next Tuesday (July 23), but fans across the web can get an early taste of the album right now, through a Twitter campaign designed to unlock song previews and exclusive video content by using a hashtag on Twitter. “Who wants to hear previews […]
Selena Gomez Breaks Down Tracks Of July 23 Album
As if Selena Gomez couldn’t say it enough, she’s showing off her brand-new confidence these days. But there was one thing she was holding back: the release date of Stars Dance. However, on Monday (June 3), the “Come & Get It” singer announced the newest LP will come out July 23. Gomez held a hour-long livestream, where she […]